Saturday, August 30, 2008

Blue love

So I've neglected this blog for too long.
I started realizing how obsessed I am with all things blue and aqua recently. Just to really drive the point home, I made a quick collage of all the crafts I've made in the past few months that involve my favorite color.

Here they are:
1. My blue and chocolate shrinky dink bracelet -- mentioned in below post.
2. Blue and metallic champagne painted wood burned pendant.
3. Hand drawn funky fish, digitally colored illustration.
4. Beach inspired faux turquoise and jade necklace. I made it with knots and hemp cord.
5. Turquoise paper mache beaded necklace I made especially as a gift for a co-worker's sister.
6. Palm trees paper collage on 6x6 wooden box.
7. Wood burned and painted bangle bracelets. I LOVE the bigger chunky one and wear it all the time.
8. Mixed media digital collage botanical image with layered burned and painted wood chips.
9. Mixed media work. Carved, painted and embellished with washers.
10. Digital art of a Royal Poinciana leaf. This leaf is from a tree in my yard. I scanned it in and digitally colored and enhanced the image.
11. I'm so proud of how this turned out, mostly because I'm a novice beader and polymer clay crafter. This necklace is made with various beads, including Beads For Life recycled magazine tube beads. The pendant was designed and painted by yours truly!
12. One of my fave wood burned pendants.

So there you have it! My obsession with blue continues.....

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